Curated List


Curator: Walt

last change on June 28, 2024

When the spider gets caught in his own web
When you try to be evil and someone turns it against you
Owen and his friends are given free reign of his grandmother's magical house on New Year's Eve. They find a devious dice game that compels them to obey the instructions on the cards they draw. The catch: from the little Owen knows about magic, spells often become permanent at midnight. They have to race the clock to finish the game or be under its spell forever... Will they make it?
When you try a magic spell that you end up casting on yourself
It's his first year in college and Alex has fallen in lust with senior Luke Petrekka, Commander of the Marine ROTC who would never give him the time of day. Not without some help from a magic book that will make Alex all that Luke desires. Alex's brother Scott thinks all this is ridicules...until it isn't.
Title says it all
Title says it all
Perfect example of this list
Tyler is horrified that his best friend is gay, so finds a dvd to convert him..
Matthew dealt with bullies his entire life, always mocking him for his smarts. That is why he founded Hypno Help Inc., selling hypnotic glasses to those who promise to use them to get revenge on bullies and opressors. One day, he gets an e-mail about a pair of roommates. What he doesn't know is that this customer will forever change his product, his company and even himself.